Overhead Squats: 45#x10, 65#x5, 75#x3, 85#x3, 90#x5, 95#x5, 100#x5, 105#x5
Lunges 105#x10
Push Press 3 sets of 5 reps 105#
Still working on form on the Overhead Squats. This is the most weight I've ever done on Overhead Squats. The most I've done before this was 65lbs, as this is a new exercise for me. At these weights these are real easy on the legs, but its tough on the wrists (flexibility issue) and on the shoulders (mainly stabalizer muscles), and not too bad on the abs. I'm curious what my max is at this point. I'm guessing somewhere around 125lbs, but I don't really know. That would mean I need about a 50lb increase to reach my goal of Overhead Squatting my body-weight. Should be very doable. I threw in a few lunges to work the legs a little bit more, and the push presses because the overhead press is one of my weakest areas. They were a little tougher then otherwise because of coming off the Overhead Squats.
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