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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thruster, Deadlift/HSPU/BJ 5-10-10

Inspired this weekend by the Crossfit Masters Regional, I worked up to a 1RM Thruster. Haven't tried it in well over a year.

Thruster - 155/1, 175/1, 195/1, 205/1, 215/f1, 220/1 (~65lb PR), 225/f

Happy with that effort because it beat my Push Press from 3-11-10 of 215. Theoretically one's Push Press should be just a hair stronger then a thruster, right?

Josh was over today and brought his Australian buddy James who is on holiday. Dan gave Josh and I this wod to do. Josh got 12:40ish. He really should have scaled the weight down on the deadlifts, since his back was rounding, but he ground through it.

7 Rounds:

3 Deadlift 275lb
4 HSPU - to abmat with a spotter assisting
9 Box Jump - 24"


Deadlifts were broken up with quite a few singles. Felt pretty heavy which I think is because I'm so out of cardio shape. 1st two rounds I did 6 HSPU, then dropped it to 4 to match what Josh had just done because he started failing in his 2nd round of HSPU. All my HSPU unbroken. I got a lot of assistance on them, probably more then Josh did. Box jumps were 1st, 2nd and last rounds unbroken the rest were jump up and step downs with 1 or no breaks.

Fun wod though, legs felt like jelly on those box jumps. Metcon madness baby.

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