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Monday, January 31, 2011


1. Bench - 95x5, 135x5, 155x4, 185x3, 205x6
2a. 20lb weighted ring push ups 3 sets sub max - 17, 12, 10
2b. 20lb weighted chin up 3 sets sub max - 6, 5, 4
3a. Double 35lb KB clean and press 3 x 12
3b. GHD sit-ups 3 x 15

Probably should have used 53lb kb (only have one 44lb kb so thats not an option) so did a max set of double 35lb kb presses - 23

Sunday, January 30, 2011

1-29-11, 1-30-11

Built a sled/prowler. Need to beef up the skids, they won't last long as is.

Sled drag - 8 x 20 yards 225lb

1.Power Snatch - Doubles: 65, 95, 115, 135, 155, 175f, 165, 170f on 2nd
Snatches were crappy today.

2.Max height box jump. Worked up to 47" (12" box + 20" box + 4 45lb bumpers

3a. 3x95lb lunges x 20
3b. 3x10 GHR's (3rd set e/ 2 red bands)
3c. 3x8 hanging leg raise twists (while hanging raise one knee to opposite elbow)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

1-24-11, 1-26-11, 1-27-11

Snowboarding at Kirkwood with Dan

Power Clean + Jerk - 3's: 135, 165, 195, 205, 215, 225 f on 3rd
Box Squat ~20" bench at work - 135x3, 185x3, 205x3, 225x3, 245x9 (max out)
Good Morning - 135x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 225x5

Tabata 20 sec work/10 rest KB Snatch - 53lb - 5 min ... ranged from 10-7 reps

Shoulder Press - 95x5, 115, Max 122.5 - 10 (PR)
Weighted Ring Pullup - 40lb 3x5
Dip - 15, 12, 10

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Week 1 Day 3 1-18-11

The newly constructed toys. 165lb abd 90lb sandbag and 90lb furry beast.

1. Bench Press - 135x5, 165x4, 195x3, 207.5, 220x3 (ties PR), m the 4th, was hoping for 5
2a. Ring Push Up sub max - 20, 12, 16, 13
2b. Pullup, Chinup, Mixed Grip - 9, 7, 7, 5
3a. Handstand Hold against wall sub max - 21, 18, 25
3b. 44lb KB Around the world - 8, 8, 8 (each way)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week 1 Day 2 1-16-11

1.Snatch - heavy single then drop for 3 singles - 65x3, 95x3, 115x2, 135x2, 155, 175m, 175, 185mx2, 155, 155, 155
2.Deadlift - 225x5, 295x5, 335x5, 365x5, 385x5
3.Lunges - 115x16, 115x12, 115x12
4a.GHD Ext - 3x10 53lb
4b. T2B - 3x10

Friday, January 14, 2011

Strength Shop Cycle 1-14-11

1.Push Press - 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 205x5(pr)
2.Muscle Ups 3 x 3 - crappy at these now
3a. bar Dips 3 sets submax-12, 11, 9
3b. DB Row- 88lb kb + 40lb chain 3 sets submax-12, 11, 9
4.90lb Sandbag 200m zercher run - 2:53 and back 200m run w/ sandbag on shoulder - 4:39 total

I'm learning to love to hate sandbags.  That Zercher run was tougher then I thought. I'm still in the process of deciding if this will be the cycle I stick with, but looks good so far. I happy with today. Pushed me to do some things I wouldn't have otherwise done, yet its exactly the kind of work I want to get in. Cut out the sprints due to time constraints. Going to contact Matt about it, and see if I can't pick his brains to be sure the cycle is inline with my goals. I'm also considering his Warrior Cycle which starts at the bottom of this page: Going to examine them closer over the next few days.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Bench - 135x5, 165x4, 185x3, 205, 220x3 (PR) f on 4th
Weighted Dip - 25x5, 45x5, 60x3 (PR), 4th was shallow, f on 5th

AMRAP in 3 min:

1 Sandbag Clean 90lb + 1 burpee = 1 rep


Should have made that 5 min. But I'm a metcon retard for now.

Made a 90lb and 165lb sandbag today. Used a seabag and a combo of sand and mulch to fill out the rest of the bag. Should be fun to do some strongman type metcons with those puppies. Farted around with the 165lb bag and that is a brute. It'll be good for shelving it for reps like an atlas stone and doing shuttle runs. Thats about it for now. Tried to clean it but that was rough. A little more practice and I think I'll be able to clean it. Tried to put it overhead from on top of one shoulder and that wasn't happening.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Quick workout after work.

Power Snatch - 135x2, 145x2, 155x2, 165x2, 175, 185(+10 or 20lb PR),190mx2
185 Pwr Sn is 5lbs under my full Snatch PR. Boy that shows how much my snatch sucks!

3 min of burpee pullups: 34 ish

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Bench - red band+135x5, blk band+135x5, orange band+135x2, orange band+135x2 (265lb up top and 228 at chest)
Weighted Dips - 25lbx5, 45x5, 55x5 (pr), 70, 80, 90f, 85 (23lb PR)

Every minute on the minute (Death by):
5x135lb Push Press
5x225lb Dead

4 rounds + PP + 4 deads

Had planned on ten rounds, but alas I'm not in shape yet and the wheels came off. Might revisit this and should be able to hit 10. This was harder then I thought.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

12-23-10 - front squat up to 285 or 290 and some ghr w/ bands


Front squat - 135x5, 175x3, 205x2, 225, 245, 275, 285f, 245x3, 245x3
3 rnds:
10 double 24k kb Russian swings
10 burpees
10 box jumps 20"


Got called fuscular today. Mixture of fat and muscular. Time for fat boy to get back into shape. Oh and have just one word to say about that metcon:
