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Monday, April 27, 2009

Nor Cal Qualifier Workout 4-29-09 So Cal Qualifier Workout 4-27-09


Cash in:  30 Double Unders, Ring dips 6,5,5, Snatch Skill work while teaching my crazy hardcore sister in law how to Snatch.  I'll leave the details for you to share.  Excellent work today.  We were definitely all pushing it hard.

Nor Cal Regional Qualifier Workout A

For time:
Row 500m
30 Burpees
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead (Men 165#, Women 95#)


Finished the row in 1:47.  Finished the burpees in 4:45.  Did split jerks.  Failed 3 times.  Moved pretty slow on those doing 1 set of 2 then all singles.  But seeing how the most I've ever done with 165 is 3 reps, I'm pleased I got the work done.  Had I not failed 3 times I would have cut out 1 possibly two minutes.  Next time I'll nail them.  I did these from a rack.  I'm not sure if they'll use racks at the qualifier.  Probably not.  To have to clean it from the floor would have definitely effected my time.  The firebreathers will roll right through this wod and finish the 165lbs in a single set, crushing my time.  My goal was to finish under ten though so I'm pleased with that.  I'm also glad I didn't scale it down.  

Cash Out: 20 HSPU negatives 


Cash in:  30 Double Unders, 3 x 5 Ring Dips

Crossfit Games So Cal Regional Qualifiers 

For Time:
2k Row
Followed by Six rounds of:
20 Box Jumps - 24"
10 Wall Balls - 10', 20lbs


That would have put me in 59th place.  My row was done in 8:04 (or 8:01 according to the C2 rower).  I tried to motor through the rest with little rest.  Not blazing fast cycle rate but no real large rest periods.  A few 5 breath rests and tried for quick transitions.  That was a grind.  

I used strict games standards on this wod.  I went with the So Cal Qualifier standards of 'the top limit of the movement is when both feet are in contact with the box and your hips and legs are fully extended'.  I also added that my entire feet including my heels had to be on the box, nothing hanging off the edge.  I got that idea from the mid atlantic qualifiers, I'm not sure if that was part of So Cal's standards or not, but seemed like a good idea to me.  Wall balls had to be caught to be counted.  I got called by my brother on a good handful of them due to height and dropping a couple.  

I just realized that they used a 20" box.  Oh well.  Better to scale up then down.

Cash Out: 2:00 in Hand Stand against wall


Brendhan said...

Actually Joe, I was thinking about this, and I don't think that 59th place is accurate. You did that in your GARAGE. Now, add a few hundred spectators cheering you on, plus the adrenaline of competition. That would have taken a minute or more off your time.

Good stuff. Cheers.


JAK said...

You know I was thinking the same thing. All that screaming has got to motivate ya to a whole other level. I did find out however that while I inadvertently scaled up on the box jumps, I scaled down on the wall ball. Should have been 11.5' like they used at the So Cal Qual. Oh well. I appreciate the encouragement.