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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

PS+HS+OHS, HC+CJ, BS 8-24-10

Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS (2 sec pause at bottom) - bar 2x3, 55lb, 65ln, 85lb, 100lb, 110lb 1x5 (60%)

Hang Clean+Clean&Jerk - 115lb, 135, 150, 165 1x5 (66%)

Back Squat - 220lbs 5 x 5

Stretch between each set of Sn, C&J - hold bottom of squat position, pushing knees out and lifting chest up.


Snatch felt light. Was receiving the bar much deeper as the sets wet on. Progress made. I don't know if I went heavier today if I would have been able to keep it up, but I'll take it.

Clean&Jerk was light. But I kinda suck at high hang cleans. Haven't done them in a long time. They got better as time went on.

At work gym by myself so no video today.

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