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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fran 6-17-08


21 - 15 - 9

95# Thrusters and Pullups


An improvement of 1:19 from a month ago on 5-12-08.  Not bad.  What was bad is how tough this workout is when you really push it.  Gotta love it. Definitely one of my favorites. 

I broke it up as follows... 

Thrusters: Round 1: 11, 5, 4  Round 2:  5, 5, 5  Round 3:  3, 3, 3
Pullups      Round 1:  7, 7, 7  Round 2:  7, 4, 4  Round 3:  6, 2, 1

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very nice work!

my goal: to beat you with 95# lol.