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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

CA WOD #15 8-18-09

Catalyst Athletics Week 5, Day 2

  • Jerk - heavy single 155, 175, 195, 205, 215, 225 f x 2 Real close on the second failure, locked out arms but bar was leaning towards the right and I lost it
  • Push press - 84% x 3 x 3 - 155lbs
  • Clean deadlift - 109% (of clean) x 3 x 3  245lbs
  • Back squat - 81% x 3 x 4 - 195lbs

  • 3 rounds for time:
    "Max" pull-ups 
    10 box jumps - 38"

    5:52  Pullups - 30, 12 (complete mental failure after slipping before final pullup), 16 = 58

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