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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

CA WOD #9 8-4-09

Some snarky Judo Gymnastics done with a partner:

Catalyst Athletics Week 3, Day 2

  • Power snatch + snatch - 50% x 2 80lbs; 55% x 2 85lbs; 60% x 3 95lbs
  • OHS heavy triple 95 x 3, 115 x 3, 135 x 3, 155 x 2(brain fart on 3rd rep, rocked forward at bottom); 160 x 3 (PR)
  • Stiff-legged DL - 3 x 5 - 135 x 3, 185 x 3, 205 x 3, 245 x 3, 255 x 3
  • Weighted GHD sit-ups - 3 x 10 - 45lbs
I'm new to stiff legged deadlifts, so stopped there.  Had a bit more left in the tank, me thinks.  Though it was sufficient  enough to get some good work in it at 245 and 255.

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