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Friday, January 9, 2009

Kettlebell Shenanigans 1-9-09

I got some new Kettlebells yesterday.  Another 35lb and 53lber.  Also got a 62lb, 70lb and 88lber.  Saweeeet!  Still on my CrossFit Strength Biased rest week so I just played around with the new iron.

Turkish Get Up - from floor to standing and back down to floor with each arm = 1 rep

35lb x 2
44lb x 2
53lb x 2
62lb x 2
70lb x 2 Got it right handed. Got it once with my left arm then failed twice on the way down with left arm
88lb x 1 with right hand stood up but failed on the way down.  That sucker was heavy!  Almost got it.  Didn't try with left arm.

Two 53lb KBs Power Clean 3 sets of 5

KB Power Clean and Jerk
53lb x 2
62lb x 2
70lb x 2
88lb x 2 -  Right arm only.  Failed twice with left arm at the rack.

KB's are good, clean fun for all you hard living comrades.  If you don't have any you should go out and get a truckload of them.  It's official... I have the Kettlebell bug!


TexasPatrick said...

Oh man I'm all jeaaaalous. I was given permission to order some, I need to get the 20kg and the 24kg and maybe a bigger boy, a 32kg. Not to mention that doing sdhps with a kb is infinitely superior to using a barbell . . . Did you get them from Muscledriver?

JAK said...

You are getting KBs? What happened with your bumpers and squat rack purchase? Don't get me wrong, thats awesome! I'd like to hear the backstory of what it took to convince the Mrs? I would say bumpers are a higher priority though, so hopefully you already acquired some rubber bouncy beauties.

I got them from a local 'fitness equipment' store called Busy Body. The KB's and dumbells are the only thing worth buying in the whole store though. That way I didn't have to pay for shipping. The brand name is Gympak which are pretty much EXACTLY the same as Apollo, the brand they used to carry. I have one Apollo from them before they made the switch. My cousin just ordered a grey 24kg from Muscledriver. It is backordered, but if you aren't planning to get the KB's super soon, want a review/feedback on their quality, and are thinking of ordering from Muscledriver, I'll have my cousin give you a heads up on them. He got the chance to stop by the store and talk to the owner about the Pendlay Acquisition. Said he was a nice guy but they are having a lot of issues with backordered items right now as they make adjustments with the acquisition. Hope that helps.