I found if I hold my left arm in a basic 'sling position' across my stomach then it doesn't hurt to do the following movements. Came up with this shoulderless WOD to burn through some frustration.
4 Rounds for time:
50 Air Squats
20 GHD Situps (on two tractor tires)
20 GHD Back Extensions (on two tractor tires)
Going straight from airs squats to the GHD work made me keep my legs flexed throughout most of the ROM on the tire which equaled some jacked up excuses for legs that were more akin to wobbly piles of gumbyness. Felt this one. Going to be a little sore tomorrow. On a bright note I picked up a book "Meditations on Violence: A Comparison of Martial Arts Training & Real World Violence" that so far is quite interesting. Should be a good read.
Other exercises that should work: lunges, situps, V ups, squat jumps, maybe tuck jumps, maybe box jumps, right armed KB swings, snatches, cleans and jerks/presses and maybe some running though that hurts right now. I'm trying to figure out if I want to do one armed work with my right arm while my left side is useless. One armed KB and dumbell work, etc. Or am I being silly thinking that it'll creat some kind of imbalance between the right and left side? Hopefully in a few days it won't hurt my shoulder to do back squats and Romanian One Leg Squats so I can keep up some heavy lifting.
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