Ring Dip 7-6-6
135 x 3
155 x 2
165 x 1
175 x 1 split jerk
185 x 1 split jerk
195 Clean (PR)
200 Clean Failed
Weighted Bar Dip - Worked up to 1 x 62lb (PR + 12lb)
Gary came over and we farted around in the gym. It's been a 21 hour day, time to get some sleep.
I know I havn't commented in a way long time, but I just wanted to let you know that I have been following and I am thoroughly impressed with the work you have been doing. You're kicking some major ass.
Much love,
Thanks buddy.
Just gotta start stringing some workouts together and you are going to start tearing it up again. Unleash the beast!
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