3 Rounds for time
400m Run
21 Dumbell Swings 45lbs
12 Pullups
10:00 min (PR)
I hit my goal of 10:00 min!! Woohooo! Now that I hit 10:00 min, I think its time to bump the weight up on the swings and do this as Rx'd with 55lbs. It'll be interesting the next time I do Helen to see how much of a difference this makes.
Then did some Clean work:
Working on my form, I repped out 3 sets of 3 each: shrugs, high pulls, and hang power cleans with 95lbs
Then did Power Cleans:
3 x 135, 2 x 155, 170, 175(PR), 180(PR), 185 (failed), 185 (failed)
I was excited to PR by 10lbs. It was a bit ugly, but the bar went up. I was super close to nailing 185, I know it'll happen the next time I try it. Just gotta commit when dropping under the bar and solidly plant it on my shoulders.
My buddy Gary came over for the first time. He has been doing crossfit for about 3 months. He did Pack Helen in 11:27. He had been having trouble with his form on deadlifts, so we worked on it and it clicked for him. He made a vast improvement with the simple instruction of keeping the bar over the middle of his foot. By the end he had super clean form. Then we worked on his squat. It was already pretty decent. He fixed the start and bottom of the squat by initiating the movement with his butt and coming out of the hole by driving his hips up, and we moved the bar down to his low back. In no time he had his squat form down. Then I taught him Cleans. Hopefully his head wasn't spinning from all the info he got dumped at him in a short period of time. I was impressed at how quickly he picked things up. He also got his first muscle up ever...on his second try! He got a second one as a cash out. Good job GB! A manimal in the making!!
Good job on the 10', but isn't Helen supposed to be done with 55# dumbell?
It is if you are a man. I have been scaling it down. Now that I got my time down to 10:00min, I will do it as Rx'd from now on.
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