135 x 5
150 x 5
165 x 5 (PR)
Back Squat
185 x 15 (PR)
5 RFT:
10 Kettlebell Swings - 1.5 Pood (53lb)
9 Burpees
8 Ab Mat Situps
7:26 (PR by 23 sec)
All KB Swings and situps were unbroken. 1st round of burpees were unbroken. 2nd 3rd and 4th round burpees were 3-3-3 and 5th round of burpees was 6-4. Definitely have more left in me in front squats. But on back squats I don't know, just felt heavy for some reason. Was planning on a set of 20, but from the beginning just felt like I was getting slapped around. So had a character fault and dropped it at 15. Still a PR though so it works out. A day of PR's in fact. Thats always fun.
Nice PRs man. I especially liked the 15x 185. Is is me or is that stuff HARD? But I think one of the most beneficial things I've done. I think the CFSB high rep squats and deads are probably some of the most important pieces in the metcon puzzle. But that's just a guess.
Yeah they are super tough. There is not much else that is hard like them. They just kinda steamroll ya. I did 180 for 21 on 8-27-08, I've PR'd so much since then in the Squat that I figured doing 185 for 20 would be pretty easy. I was quite wrong. Maybe the front squats had something to do with it, but it shouldn't have messed with them that much. I guess sets of 5 hasn't transferred over as much as I thought it would have to the sets of 20.
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