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Monday, December 29, 2008

Squat and The Chief 12-28-08

Week 6 of 1st cycle of CFSB:


225 x 5
235 x 3
245 x 3
255 x 1 (PR)
265 x 1 (PR)
275 x 1 (PR)
285 x 1 (+ 40lb PR)

See the video HERE.

The Chief

Max rounds in 3 min of:
3 Power Cleans 135lb
6 Pushups
9 Squats 

Rest 1 minute.  Repeat for a total of 5 cycles

1.  5 rounds 
2.  4 rounds 
3.  4 rounds 
4.  1 squat short of 4 rounds 
5.  4 rounds

I'm stoked with my squat PR.  That is a little more then 1.5 times my bodyweight which is a pretty cool benchmark.  2 times my bodyweight is going to take a while to hit.  265 felt good, 275 felt solid, with slower bar speed, 285 was slow and getting a bit sloppy so I stopped there. Can't complain about a 40lb improvement.  300lbs feels within reach now.  Will post a video of it tomorrow.


JRUHL said...

you going to post a video of that 285?

Kate said...
